Truck being stalked by Cougar

Truck being stalked by Cougar
Truck Being Stalked by the Cougar

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Monday, June 6, 2011

Gasconade River Float -- June 5th

FINALLY............ we were able to put our kayaks in the river. Didn't have to go far....... a few miles east to put the truck at the takeout and then a few miles west to the put in. The day was supposed to be hot. We packed drinks, snacks and lunch and were on the river by 9:00 a.m. The Gasconade (this part) is a very quiet river....... it makes you work ........ But the river was up (not dangerously). Here is a link to Missouri Rivers We started off and within a mile or so found an eagles nest. There were a few people who were doing yard work. And a few river boats but for the most part jeff and I had the river to ourselves. Some cows joined us at lunch. We stop at a gravel bar and light a fire to roast hot dogs. There were lots of trees that had been pushed down the river. Not so much debris. We saw a bald eagle sitting in a tree. It saw us too -- it is a bit disconcerting to have a bird of prey watch you!!! Took us about 4 1/2 hours to do about 10 miles of river. Usually that same stretch takes about 6 hours but the water was high enough that it kept good current for the most part.

If you would like to see the pictures of the trip you can view them at my facebook:

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