Truck being stalked by Cougar

Truck being stalked by Cougar
Truck Being Stalked by the Cougar

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Article Published

I have never considered myself much of a writer. I write as I think and feel. Even sometimes as I speak.  I started this blog for memories and to share my experiences with family and friends. About a month or so ago, a co-worker (Tiffany)  suggested I write an article for a local newspaper about one of my favorite camping places. I wrote the article and she helped to organize my thoughts. So after the article was accepted by the paper I went to Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge and took pictures of some of the cats. These are just some of the pictures.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Campbell Point COE at Shell Knob, Missouri 1-3 April 11

  I had what I thought was a brilliant idea! Pack the Pod on Thursday night and hook it up -- take it to work so we could leave straight from there. It has lights.......
this was the first we hauled it in the dark Well time wise it was a good idea but I didn't really have the patience to work. Jeff was able to get off work early so I did too! We left FLW about 3:00. Turned the SPOT on and away we went!  Took pictures of the small landslide on Polla Road. We passed the Bank of Billings and wondered -- how did we get to Montana and we'd never make work on Monday. We headed down to the campground. The last 20 miles were hard. Very hilly and curvy. Got to our site (76) about 6:00 or so. There were 4 or 5 others in the campground. After backing Jeff in, we figured out that the site was ass backwards.